
Discover all the print and digital pedagogical resources available to facilitate the teaching and learning of social science.

Social Science

A ready-to-use manual for both students and teachers

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Social Sciences

An explanatory approach to world history--a textbook 
designed for the student!

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Quantitative and qualitative methods

In line with the new Social Sciences competency!

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Quantitative and qualitative methods

The Best Pedagogical Set for an Introduction to Quantitative Analysis 

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Voir la plateforme I+ InteractifVoir la plateforme I+ Interactif

i+ Interactive

Simple, user-friendly and intuitve, the i+ Interactive digital platform is designed to make your job easier every day.

Ressources pédagogiquesRessources pédagogiques

Distance Learning

Discover a variety of pedagogical resources to enrich your teaching and promote student learning.

Pédagogie et formationsPédagogie et formations

L'essentiel pour réussir ses études, 2e édition

Here's the perfect tool for all your studies: stay organized, structure your work or find the presentation guidelines for your assignments.

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Distance Learning

Discover our digital pedagogy training sessions and our offering of pedagogical support for your team, department or institution. These are our free resources:

  • Pedagogical booklets
  • Videos
  • Webinars 
  • Consulting services on request

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