Discover the series of literacy readers for intermediate and advanced readers:
A captivating series in magazine format full of lively texts!
Inquiry-based learning accessible to all! This series looks at issues related to science, social studies and humanities.
Partez à la découverte des oeuvres littéraires… et du monde ! Un format de livret unique pour explorer l’univers de la fiction et créer une variété d’activités de communication orale.
A specially designed series to increase student proficiency, self-confidence and autonomy in reading and writing.
Additional titles that bring new life and variety to the big family of GB+ readers.
La collection incontournable conçue pour initier les élèves à une expérience de lecture unique !
This wonderfully illustrated series features 14 revisited classic fairy tales and 4 fairy tales that reflect Canada's cultural diversity.
A specially designed series to develop oral communication and reading skills!
The perfect science literacy series for building basic science and technology concepts!La collection de vulgarisation scientifique idéale pour construire les concepts de base en science et en technologie !
The quintessential tool for exploring science concepts and learning the right vocabulary, while developing reading comprehension skills.
A complete digital offering: narrative and informative readers, audio tracks and teacher's guides!
Discover the other series for intermediate and advanced readers!