
Discover all the print and digital pedagogical resources available to facilitate the teaching and learning of second languages from grades 1 to 6.

English as a Second Language
Elementary Cycle One

English will definitely catch on in your classroom with Catch, a dynamic series for grades 1 and 2.

Take a look at an interactive excerpt

English as a Second Language
Elementary Cycle Two

Discover the 3rd edition of the Tag series.

To learn more

English as a Second Language
Elementary Cycle Three

Discover the third edition of Spirals.

To learn more

Voir les Webinaires et formationsVoir les Webinaires et formations

Price List

Consult the Price List for all our Elementary series, from grades 1 to 6. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact scolaire@tc.tc.

Voir les Webinaires et formationsVoir les Webinaires et formations

Order Forms

To put in your order, fill out your purchase orders directly. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact scolaire@tc.tc.

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Free 90-day trial

Get a 90-day free trial code to explore the different series and to discover all the functionalities the i+ Interactive elementary platform has to offer.

Webinaires et formations à venir

Distance Learning

Discover our digital pedagogy training sessions and our offering of pedagogical support for your team, department or institution. These are our free resources:

  • Pedagogical booklets
  • Videos
  • Webinars 
  • Consulting services on request