Tag!, 2nd Edition - Grades 3 and 4
Tag!, 2nd Edition - Grades 3 and 4

Tag!, 2nd Edition - Grades 3 and 4

Conversation Cards (100)
Auteur(s) Cynthia Beyea, Catherine Durand, Isabelle Giroux, Dominique Leblanc

Discover Tag! – a dynamic series for teaching English as a Second Language in grades 3 and 4! The workbook is offered in both print and digital versions. What’s more, the series offers an impressive digital component with an array of interactive workshops on Chenelière Education’s i+ Interactif platform.
ISBN13 9782765060239
54,95 $


Discover Tag! – a dynamic series for teaching English as a Second Language in grades 3 and 4!

The workbook is offered in both print and digital versions.

What’s more, the series offers an impressive digital component with an array of interactive workshops on Chenelière Education’s i+ Interactif platform.


  • Workbooks with complete learning and evaluation situations
  • Engaging themes to promote oral interaction
  • Games that offer spontaneous speaking opportunities
  • New game board with each workbook


Discover the series on i+ Interactif platform!

  • 10 new online workshops with feedback
  • Three storybooks to promote reading
  • and oral interaction
  • Synchronized readings and hotspots
  • New animations and videos
  • And much more!

Print Version Components

Student Workbook

  • A Welcome Back section to start the year with the basics
  • Six thematics units that develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills
  • Models for speaking and writing; vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and reading support
  • Stories, poems, games, dialogues, songs and a Special Days section
  • A Wrap-Up and Extra activity in each unit 
  • A Reference Section including a picture dictionnary, simple grammar charts, useful language and strategies

Game Board

  • Seperate colour game board for spontaneous and meaningful oral interaction that students will enjoy

Teacher's Guide

  • Answer key
  • Handouts that include unit checkpoints, games, extra activities, extra vocabulary and evaluation too

Composantes numériques

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