Writer’s Toolkit for College Students - Media

The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together by CEGEP teachers to help students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated a few years ago from discussions between English and Humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills.
ISBN13 9782894703489
19,95 $


The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together by CEGEP teachers to help students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated a few years ago from discussions between English and Humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the vision of the project was expanded to include other programs. 


As the main component of the Writer’s Toolkit, the General Education handbook provides a guide for student writing in all programs. Topics covered in the Media supplement include:


• Comparison of types of writing

• The script

• The character sketch

• The project proposal

• The artist statement

• The personal critique

• The letter of intent

• The journal or reflection paper

• The research paper

• Documentation style guide: MLA for Film and Art

• Sample script, character sketch, project proposal, artist statement, personal critique, letter of intent, journal, and research paper

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