Upside, 2nd Edition - Secondary 5
Answer Key − Print version and Digital version of the Teacher's guide - access for 1 year to the i+ platform
With the collaboration of Cynthia Beyea, Claire Maria Ford and Derek Wright
Discover Upside, 2nd Edition – a dynamic series for teaching English as a Second Language in secondary 5! The workbook comes in both print and digital versions. What’s more, the series offers an impressive digital component with an array of interactive workshops on Chenelière Education’s i+ Interactif platform.
Discover Upside, 2nd Edition – a dynamic series for teaching English as a Second Language in secondary 5!
The workbook comes in both print and digital versions.
What’s more, the series offers an impressive digital component with an array of interactive workshops on Chenelière Education’s i+ Interactif platform.
- Workbooks that develop all the competencies
- New and updated themes as well as an extra unit
- An array of new authentic texts
- Two videos in every unit
- Additional oral-interaction tasks modeled on the Ministry examinations
- Updated workshops to prepare students for the Ministry examinations
- A new full-colour anthology of literary and information texts
- A complete Teacher’s Guide with:
– Handouts for the anthology
– Extra listening, reading and grammar handouts
– Differentiation materials
– Exam-style evaluations as well as a Student Study Guide.
Unparalleled digital content on the i+ Interactif platform!
- Interactive workshops for grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, review, the opinion piece and exam preparation
- Authentic videos
- Model group discussion videos
- Animations to deconstruct the opinion piece
- Recorded versions of all reading texts
- PowerPoints to support grammar explanations
Composantes numériques
Renseignements sur l'ouvrage
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